Talkatora Garden revisited after Rain

It has been raining in New Delhi for the last several days. The morning, while sun was still wrapped in clouds and with a little breeze, it was beautiful. How much of it was captured by 2.0 mp mobile camera of Blackberry?

Talkatora Garden, New Delhi

Some day I will shoot this beautiful but erratically maintained Garden with real camera. Next Springs may be. It is a Mugul Era Garden with remains of palace still visible at places. A bird eye view:
This one is not bad after adjustment of brightness by selecting one area separately in GIMP. Let's see the next one:
No good at all even after enhancing the colour and adjusting the brightness. Now see this south view in which dogs are crossing the ramp:
And this one more:
Not so good. Conclusion is that light matters more than camera. Shooting from the east even on a cloudy day will give better picture.
