Phone camera: iPhone 5 vs. Micromax

Which camera is better: iPhone 5 or Micromax?

While landscapes certainly fare better in iPhone, I have few doubts about shooting close objects. For the uninitiated Micromax is mid segment phone brand which loaded 8 MP camera in this Android Camera Phone, about 2/3 years old now.

This picture is shot by Micromax:

This is shot by iPhone 5, same place same light:

Now compare larger objects (No glare issue this time):

This is shot by iPhone 5:

This is shot by Android Micromax which costed 1/5th the price of iPhone, three years back:

Sky is invisible in both as sun was high behind me.But look at the details of leaves on the left. I expect iPhone to be atleast five times better but it is not.

Tell me your take. All pictures are original and unedited. Pass your judgement.
My take is that Iphone images can be processed more. If Micromax images are processed, on larger sizes, images disclose noise or black spots. But unprocessed images are more or less same.
